Raúl Chirinos Web Development

Hi, my name is Raúl

I'm a Freelance Web Developer based in Venezuela
Who love to work with individuals, startups and collaborate with talented people around the world
Building Websites and applications with a wide range of technologies.

My primary goal is to help new entrepreneurs and small business to reach larger markets and build web presence using the latest and more demanding development tendencies.

Here is what I do:


HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Sass


Node.js, ReactJS, MongoDB, Javascript


Git, UNIX, Heroku, Slack and Trello

Featured Projects

Cofee Shop


  • React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB

Emaily is a web app that help companies to receive, collect and visualize large quantities of feedback from their costumers sending mass surveys via email

Login Form

Login/Signup Form

  • React, Node.js, MongoDB

Authentication service built in React with CRUD operations in Server Side API build in Node.js using express.js and passport.js

Cofee Shop

Coffee Shop Website

  • HTML, Sass, Responsive Design

Promoting Landing Page for a Coffee Shop. Responsive design using Sass preprocessor, built on Jekyll


Minimal Blog Template

  • HTML, CSS, Sass

An elegant, simple and minimal blog template
White theme design and a B&W color palette. A grid with the most relevant post, and a chronological list with all the post published. Media buttons and animated search bar.


Product Landing Page

  • HTML, Sass, jQuery, Responsive Design

A template for product landing pages. Made originally as a project for the freeCodeCamp Responsive Design Curriculum.



  • Python 3.5, Telegram Bot API, Genius API

LyrixsBot is a Telegram bot who allows user to look for song lyrics within the Telegram app. Simplily by sending a message to the bot with the song title or a part of the lyrics of the song. The bot integrates with the API of Genius Lyrics and search the Lyrics in the page database, then retrieving to the user.

Check on Telegram


  • Python, Twitter API, JSON Scraping

This Bot automates a Twitter account to tweet quotes from Julio Cortazar in various intervals of time. The quotes are extracted from The Wikiquote's API. This bot was deployed using Heroku

Check it out

Get in touch!